Section / Rule Number   Content   
484 Circumstances in which company may be wound up voluntarily
485 Publication of resolution to wind up voluntarily
486 Commencement of voluntary winding up
487 Effect of voluntary winding up on status of company
488 Declaration of solvency in case or proposal to wind-up voluntarily
489 Provisions applicable to a members' voluntary winding up
490 Power of company to appoint and fix remuneration of liquidators
491 Board's powers to cease on appointment of liquidator.
492 Power to fill vacancy in office of liquidator
493 Notice of appointment of liquidator to be given to registrar
494 Power of liquidator to accept shares etc., as consideration for sale of property of company
495 Duty of liquidator to call creditors' meeting in case of insolvency
496 Duty of liquidator to call general meeting at end of each year
497 Final meeting and dissolution
498 Alternative provisions as to annual and final meetings in case of insolvency
499 Provisions applicable to a creditors' voluntary winding up
500 Meeting of creditors
501 Notice of resolutions passed by creditors' meeting to be given to registrar
502 Appointment of liquidator
503 Appointment of committee of inspection
504 Fixing of liquidators' remuneration
505 Board's powers to cease on appointment of liquidator
506 Power to fill vacancy in office of liquidator
507 Application of section 494 to a creditors' voluntary winding up
508 Duty of liquidator to call meetings of company and of creditors at end of each year
509 Final meeting and dissolution
510 Provisions applicable to every voluntary winding up
511 Distribution of property of company
511A Application of section 454 to voluntary winding up
512 Powers and duties of liquidator in voluntary winding up
513 Body corporate not to be appointed as liquidator
514 Corrupt inducement affecting appointment as liquidator
515 Power of court to appoint and remove liquidator in voluntary winding up
516 Notice by liquidator of his appointment
517 Arrangement when binding on company and creditors
518 Power to apply to court to have questions determined or power exercised
519 Application of liquidator to court for public examination of promoters, directors, etc
520 Cost of voluntary winding up
521 Saving of right of creditors and contributories to apply for winding up
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